DIY Handwriting Paper

Enjoy this brief introduction into creating handwriting paper via Excel or Sheets. Recorded in 2018.

Have you every wondered how wide to make your homemade paper to simulate the paper from manufacturers?
Look no further.
Inside this video is your answer to how wide the most popular handwriting papers are and how to convert them to Excel or Sheets.

Course Curriculum

Cheri Dotterer

Battling writing challenges firsthand, Cheri has emerged as a global authority, pioneering innovative, neuroscience-backed strategies to overcome dysgraphia seamlessly within the classroom setting. Author of "Handwriting Brain-Body DisConnect" and contributor to seminal works, she’s set to release "Math DYS-connected," co-authored with Jonily Zupancic. She owns Dotterer Educational Consulting and The Writing Glitch Podcast. Living with her husband and son, Cheri's experiences fuel her passion to revolutionize learning. They also have a daughter in grad school.

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DIY Handwriting Paper

