Mastery Math Method - Group Coaching

Co-Requistite to Mastery Math Method - Monthly LIVE Workshops

Mastery Math Group Coaching is a CO-Requiste to The Mastery Math Method course.
You MUST purchase both to receive the Professional Development credits.

Course Summary


Course Curriculum

JZ Zupancic

Jonily Zupancic is achievement-ready, breaking mathematical barriers for struggling students through unique lesson design and delivery structures. As the founder of Minds On Math, she has dedicated the past 24 years to creating rich, differentiated, engaging mathematical classroom experiences to maximize math achievement. Through brain-based, multi-sensory techniques all ability levels of students including gifted, dyscalculic, at-risk and typical are mathematically stimulated improving memory, retention of content and gains reaching their next learning level.

John Smith


Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized. The Course is Full of Practical and Valuable for Anyone who wants to Enhance their Skills. Really Enjoyed it. Thank you!!

Course Pricing

Monthly Group Coaching - Mastery Math Bundle

$47 USD

per month

  • This option cannot be paired with a purchase order.

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Most popular

Annual Group Coaching - Mastery Math Bundle

$497 USD

per year

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