Tier 1 Intervention Workshops Chapter 1: The Pizza Problem

6.5 contact hours with a Certificate of Completion

Course Summary

The Pizza Problem is an instructional delivery method to support math concepts from kindergarten through 12th grade and beyond.

This is one activity in a collection of 12 we call Reference Tasks.

 A Reference Task is an instructional activity that can be repeated and built on throughout a child's school career to maximize conceptual learning through cognitive, research-based instructional techniques.  

Inside the course, you will receive a 2-hour workshop and handouts you can use in your classroom.
One of the handouts lays out seven interactions to guide you through your school year, plus other materials.

We also include 3-hours of Jonily teaching in the classroom.
Her Hear Me Teach sessions provide audio footage of classroom implementation, allowing you to be a fly on the wall.

In addition to what is included on the website, you will receive an email series like a course.

Math Standards:
The Pizza Problem teaches Kindergardent through twelfth grade
Distance Formula
Irrational Numbers
Pythagorean Theorem
Square Root

Occupational Therapists:
Learn how to incorporate these concepts into your treatment sessions using sensory processing intervention techniques, including proprioception, vestibular, and interoception strategies, plus interventions for
Position in Space
Visual Closure

Course Curriculum

Cheri Dotterer

Battling writing challenges firsthand, Cheri has emerged as a global authority, pioneering innovative, neuroscience-backed strategies to overcome dysgraphia seamlessly within the classroom setting. Author of "Handwriting Brain-Body DisConnect" and contributor to seminal works, she’s set to release "Math DYS-connected," co-authored with Jonily Zupancic. She owns Dotterer Educational Consulting and The Writing Glitch Podcast. Living with her husband and son, Cheri's experiences fuel her passion to revolutionize learning. They also have a daughter in grad school.

Jonily Zupancic

Jonily Zupancic is achievement-ready, breaking mathematical barriers for struggling students through unique lesson design and delivery structures. As the founder of Minds On Math, she has dedicated the past 24 years to creating rich, differentiated, engaging mathematical classroom experiences to maximize math achievement. Through brain-based, multi-sensory techniques all ability levels of students including gifted, dyscalculic, at-risk and typical are mathematically stimulated improving memory, retention of content and gains reaching their next learning level.

Course Pricing

Pizza Problem Course

$297 USD

  • Teach Math Concepts using Sensory Processing

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