The Pizza Problem ebook

Teaching Squares across the Math Standards

📚✨Struggling to boost math achievement in your classroom?

This eBook reveals the secret to transforming your students’ math understanding—without relying on the "perfect" textbook!

As a math educator, coach, and consultant, I’m asked all the time: What’s the best resource for improving number sense and math fluency?

The truth is, it’s not about the resource—it’s about how we deliver the content.

Research shows that math achievement is directly linked to the quality of instruction.

The art of teaching is key!

This eBook explains how differentiated adaptive facilitation strategies are the real solution for reversing math deficits and reviving math results

 Ready to take action?

Our latest ebook is designed to help you do just that.

It’s packed with 31 pages of neuroscience-backed instructional ideas

and 9 powerful intervention strategies that

level the playing field for every student in your classroom—

in just 6 minutes a day! 🧠🔢
🎉 Get your copy today!

It’s only $14.95! Start transforming your math instruction! 🎉

Course Curriculum

Cheri Dotterer

Battling writing challenges firsthand, Cheri has emerged as a global authority, pioneering innovative, neuroscience-backed strategies to overcome dysgraphia seamlessly within the classroom setting. Author of "Handwriting Brain-Body DisConnect" and contributor to seminal works, she’s set to release "Math DYS-connected," co-authored with Jonily Zupancic. She owns Dotterer Educational Consulting and The Writing Glitch Podcast. Living with her husband and son, Cheri's experiences fuel her passion to revolutionize learning. They also have a daughter in grad school.

Jonily Zupancic

Jonily Zupancic is achievement-ready, breaking mathematical barriers for struggling students through unique lesson design and delivery structures. As the founder of Minds On Math, she has dedicated the past 24 years to creating rich, differentiated, engaging mathematical classroom experiences to maximize math achievement. Through brain-based, multi-sensory techniques all ability levels of students including gifted, dyscalculic, at-risk and typical are mathematically stimulated improving memory, retention of content and gains reaching their next learning level.

Course Pricing

The Pzza Problem ebook

$14.95 USD

  • DIY ebook on Teaching Squares

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