Mastery Math Method

60 + Contact Hours - Access to math for all students: Gifted · Learning Support · Regular Education · Neurodiverse

Mastery Math Group Coaching is a CO-Requiste to this course.
You MUST purchase both to receive the Professional Development credits.

Course Summary

A breakthrough approach to math instruction that ensures EVERY student has access to math success.

We’ve done the hard work:

  • Streamlined existing math curriculums to focus on essential skills.

  • Designed a program to expose students to all grade-level math standards in just 15 days.

Built a path to mastery in 80 days through cutting-edge, research-based instruction

Jonily Zupancic

Jonily Zupancic is achievement-ready, breaking mathematical barriers for struggling students through unique lesson design and delivery structures. As the founder of Minds On Math, she has dedicated the past 24 years to creating rich, differentiated, engaging mathematical classroom experiences to maximize math achievement. Through brain-based, multi-sensory techniques all ability levels of students including gifted, dyscalculic, at-risk and typical are mathematically stimulated improving memory, retention of content and gains reaching their next learning level.

Course Pricing

Mastery Math Bundle - No Group Coaching

$1497 USD

  • This bundle includes all Tier 1 Interventions Workshops.

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